Monday, November 27, 2017

What was Ellis Island?

The small 3.3 acres of land in the Hudson River known to the Mohegan Indians in early 1600’s as Kioshk or Gull Island was a famous fishing area. Until it was renamed Oyster Island for its abundance in shellfish by Michael Paauw, a Dutch man who acquired ownership of the island in 1630. The island was then renamed in the 1700’s, as Gibbet or Gallows Island, it is said that the gallows trees were used to hang men convicted of piracy on the island during that time. 75 years later the island was bought by a New York merchant named Samuel Ellis which is how the name Ellis Island was birthed. Samuel built huts on the land to accommodate local fisher men, after his death in 1794, his family gained ownership of the Island who later sold it to the state of New York for $10,000. This was around the time of the Revolutionary war and the U.S Department saw great potential in Ellis Island located in the middle of the Hudson River opening into the Atlantic Ocean, they paid the state for its use, and beginning the war of 1812, they build military fortifications and stored ammunition on the Island. Few years later they used it as a munitions arsenal for the Union army during the Civil war. Over the years, the activities of the island evolved, and a wide variety of name changes but from the 1700’s to date it is still “Ellis Island”. By 1954, the island was enlarged to 27.5 acres of land, landfilled with excess earth from the construction of the New York City subway and ship ballast.

Work Cited

History “This Day in History Ellis Island”  

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Burning and rebuilding of Ellis Island.

Burning and rebuilding of Ellis Island.

On June 15, 1897 five years after the official opening of Ellis Island Immigration station, a fire broke out burning the originally wooden infrastructure of the island completely to the ground. Fortunately no one was killed in the fire, however years of important records were lost in the fire as the Federal and State immigration process were being recorded on paper. By December 17, 1900 newly built fire proof buildings were opened to accommodate new immigrants and on that day over 2000 people were accepted in the US. In addition to the new main office in 1909 a new hospital was completed with 725 bed accommodations which consisted of a Laboratory, Morgue, powerhouse and housing for the hospital staffs. This hospital was the largest in the United States and over 1 million immigrants were treated there before gaining entry into the US. Another historic mark for Ellis Island it had the largest hospital in the United States.
Work Cited

Copyright Save Ellis Island Inc “Save Ellis Island”

Politician’s against Immigration is it new?

Politician’s against Immigration is it new?

My most intriguing findings while researching Ellis Island has been the similarity between politicians in 1880 and the fight we now face in our immigration system in the 21st century. Between 1880 and 1924 politicians and natives were not pleased with the high volume of immigrants being granted access in the United States and as a result the fight for multiple regulations and immigration laws were being forced, laws such as the Chinese Exclusion Act, the Alien Contract Labor Law and the institution of a literacy test. These all came about not only by politicians but also by the earlier immigrants who came to the US through these very same immigration channels but thought themselves superior to the immigrants entering the US from southern and eastern Europe during 1900’s. These reoccurring signs are now haunting us, as we face newly forced immigration laws such as building a wall to keep out Mexicans from entering the US and even closing our gates to refugees like Syrian kids facing persecution and hunger in their country from seeking refugee status in the here. The Chinese Exclusion Act, shares grave similarity to the Trump Travel ban blocking entry from six Muslim countries. The fact that as Americans we can all trace our ancestors entry into this country through some immigration port or the other but we still find it ok to see ourselves superior to the immigrants seeking a better life in the United States makes us just the same as the Southern and Western Europeans in the 1900’s. I was surprised to see that United States is facing these same immigration situations again after so many centuries.
Work Cited

Copyright Agent/ Tolentino Thomas “Ellis Island History”

History of Ellis Isand

My first site (Liberty Ellis Island History) had a lot of dated information on various events on Ellis Island, one of the most interesting was its original use during 1794 – 1890 Ellis Island acted as a military Fort, It was an uneventful but important role in US History.  In this time period the US was going through the Revolutionary War and the British occupied New York City.  British Naval Ships sailed unimpeded into NY Harbors, this had US Officials come to the conclusion that they need to create coastal fortifications in the NY Harbors.  Prior to this in 1812 after a Legal Battle the Federal Government bought Ellis Island from New York State in 1808.

The second web page by (History Channel) features an article on many important aspects of the rich history of Ellis Island. I obtained some very interesting information on the 1921
Passage of Immigrant Quota Act , which was implemented to limit the number of immigration access into the United States slashing entry numbers to less than a quarter of its usual entry. I believe this information shows great similarity to our aim in Immigration now in the 21st century, as our government strives to limit the number of access into the United States at this time.  

The third site “save Ellis Island” explores the Islands richness in US history, as the island holds ancestry and port of entry details for over 50% of our citizens today. Even though this immigration passage is closed, this site still house meaningful information for millions trying to trace their roots to gain a sense of who they are and their origins. The process of gaining access to the US and the reasons for denial thou it was a rare occurrence were all detailed on this site. Denial was an action of extreme as sick immigrants would more likely be retained on the island and treated for various illnesses and when cleared by the doctors granted access in the US as health was a major immigration requirement.
Work Cite

Copyright Agent/ Tolentino Thomas “Ellis Island History”

History “This Day in History Ellis Island”  

Copyright Save Ellis Island Inc “Save Ellis Island”

Friday, November 17, 2017

Immigration and Crime

   So far i have found a few good sources for my research paper, in which i have learned quite a few interesting things about my topic. Something interesting that found is that most people in the united states believe that immigration is one of the main reasons that crime is so high, but in fact immigrants who come here illegally actually avoid getting in trouble with the authorities due to the fact of their legal status. Most of the immigrants who get incarcerated or deported, were actually detained in the not for committing crimes like robbery or assault, but just for their legal status.

Is Stop and Frisk Racial Profiling?

        Another source that I found for my research paper is "Stop and Frisk: The Use and Abuse of a Controversial Policing Tactic", a book written by Michael D. White, a professor in the school of Criminology and Justice at Arizona State University, and Henry H. Fradella, a professor and associate director in the school of Criminology and Justice at Arizona State University. This source talks about the procedures and execution of the Stop and Frisk program. It explains that "when a police officer has stopped a person for questioning, and they reasonably suspect the danger of life and limb, that should be the baseline for a frisk. If a weapon is found, the officer may take it up and keep it until questioning is completed, after which time he shall return it or arrest the person". This means that if an officer does not reasonably suspect a danger of life and limb, the frisking of innocent citizens is bad and violates the 14th amendment.
Works Cited
White, Michael D. and Fradella, Henry F. "Stop and Frisk: The Use and Abuse of a Controversial Policing Tactic".  New York City. NYU press. 2016. Print.

Solitary Confinement Still Exist in Juveniles Despite Legislation Passed

On February 19, 2014, DOCCS (Department of Community Corrections) came up with an alternative form of Solitary Confinement.  DOCCS entered into stipulation with a group of class action plaintiffs requiring jails to place 16 and 17 year-old inmates with long SHU (Secure Housing Unit) sentences in an alternative form of housing and will limit time in any in cell confinement to 19 hours a day for youth inmates. After interviewing Richard Gammara a former inmate, I was educated further on the issues of solitary confinement and the fact that although on paper it is said that a legislation was passed to put an end to solitary confinement in inmates under the age of 21 it still exist to this day. This is because Solitary Confinement is defined as being kept in isolation for 23 hours a day in a cell the size of a horse stable with 1 hour of recreation time also in a confined space. The only difference now with this new legislation that was passed, is that the time spent in isolation is now 19 hours as opposed to 23 hours but the difference of 5 hrs still includes being handcuffed to a chair or a table and furthermore with inmates that are also serving the same sentence this still leading to a hostile environment. Solitary Confinement still exist just a modified version.

Works Cited

"The Solitary Confinement of Youth in New York: A Civil Rights Violation","New York Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Right" 2014 December.  Web 17 Nov 2017

Today's Policing facts

While gathering some information for my paper ( Broken Windows Theory). I have found that  there isn't any gaps. The most interesting thing that I have found is that even though Broken Windows is a controversial theory, today policing is based in part on it. Today's policy is a hybrid created from Broken Windows theory and Zero Tolerance. Taking Just strategies that seen to work from each one and merging it together. Another surprising fact that I found is that Mayor De Blassio   signed a plan to take off the streets trouble maker people who had warrants older than 10 years. In the urge to reduce crime rates in designated areas of New York City.

Work Cited

Gartland, Michael, et al. “NYC Is Tossing a Mountain of ‘Broken Windows’ Warrants.” New York Post, New York Post, 26 July 2017, Web 9 Nov 2917


            In my pursuing about IEP (Individualized Educational Program) the process is very hard to complete and can have a lot of misunderstanding. Foremost, these children’s needs to be diagnosed that they have a disability or learning disabilities by the school or doctor, also, The schools is in charge of the proceeding of which program the student going to need. This process is starring by the teachers and the administration of the school to support the children’s services. These processes are complicated sometimes, because the school need to specific in details the children situation and behaviors in paper to show proof to the parent, school and IDEA. That transition to happen takes time and knowledge, because the teacher and a psychology need to give valuable information that support the children, and the environment to meet after with the parents, child in case , the principal and the person who represent IDEA to be approved. After that process the children’s can receive the program that is appropriate to improve the child knowledge challenges and developing in his IEP. Sometimes this processes are not followed in the right way, because we can be judgmental sometimes with the children because we are humans , they simply are not prepared or have the time up and they prepare it ultimately without realizing that this process by mistake can affect the life of one child for life.

 Work cited 

By Kristin Stanberry, 

The most suprising fact

When I first started writing this paper, I read that millennials spend nearly 44% of their income on food. As a millennial myself, I was blown away, I couldn’t possibly admit that this was true. That 44% percent being so close to 50, it stuck out to me like no other and made me start to reflect on my own expenses and eating culture. This by far was the most surprising fact I came across during my research. Growing up with busy parents and living on my own at a young age, it might seem like take out has always been the norm. With very little time for myself and almost zero patience to wait around, delivery has naturally become my go to. This fact is what steamed my research into trying to figure out if the eating culture of New Yorkers have changed throughout the years. I urge others to let this fact set in and think about their own way of life.

Childhood Delinquency Resources Short Blog Post

I have found plenty of good sources for my research paper (child delinquency). I have not yet found a book, but that is only because I have not searched for one as of yet. I will start searching for a book related to my topic this weekend. I have found many reliable sources off of the web from several scholarly sites, including some researches from other universities. What I have found particularly surprising, is that a lot of the sources being used to support the facts about Child Delinquency, are older than I expected. There were great sources, that were dated back to the 1950's and all the way back to the 1920's as well. The sources are still reliable to this day but my goal this weekend, is to find newer research, to go alongside that book I will be searching for!

Benefits of preschool in America vs Japan

I am doing my paper on benefits of placing your child in preschool.  I have been grabbing information from several places but one source that stood out to me was from Facts and Details.  On it's online article I read that in Japan children are required to attend preschool starting age 3 to 4.  They are not taught numbers or alphabet, that responsibilities is left to the parents to teach at home before they enter kindergarten at 5 years old.  In preschool they are taught how to respect others, how to socialize, language skills and how to cooperate with others.  In America the parents beginning to teach their child morals from birth leaving academics to the educators.  As a parent, I prefer to guide my child on what is proper morals.  Everyone one has their views on what's right and wrong.  In that article I found it interesting how the parents are responsible for preparing their child academically for kindergarten.  That makes me question does America have it good because we are not forced to teach our child before kindergarten or are we too laid back and should be preparing our child?

Works Cited

Hays, Jeffrey "PRESCHOOLS AND DAY CARE IN JAPAN" ND. 2013   Jeffery Hays. Web. 17 Nov 2017.

Contamination in our Environment

One of the causes of contamination in our environment is the problem that we have with plastic bottles. According to “The Ecology Center”, there is a high percent of plastic trash in the United States, which are affecting the cities, ocean, water places, and humans and animal s’ health. (1) “The Ecology Center” also states that the level of plastics is increasing significantly because the population is overbuying plastic product, so a few of those plastic get recycled. In addition, “The Ecology Center” mentions that some plastic made by certain companies are toxic and contain “Bisphenal- A (BPA)” (which is a chemical that factory uses to made bottle plastic) which affect our hormones. As a result, “The Ecology Center” recommends to reduce plastics trash from our environment, but the only way to do it is by reducing sugary drinks consumption.

"THE PROBLEMS WITH PLASTICS | Ecology Center." Ecology Center | Environment, Community, Justice, Accessed 17 Nov. 2017.

Are Charter Schools Superior to District Schools?

Trying to find out which school will be good for my daughter, I decide to make a research about “Are Charter Schools Superior to District Schools?”. I have discovered in the article “The truth about charter schools” by Psyche Pascual at, that charter school differ from one another, which it makes difficult to trust in their promises about a better public schooling since they do not have a real organize system (Pascual). Moreover, I have found that Charter schools are very popular. However, that does not proof their effectiveness because some of them are experimental schools with bad classes quality (Pascual). In addition, charter schools’ students do not performance better than district schools’ students (Pascual). There is a lot information in this new source, but what I have found more interesting it is that the only way to know which school is good for our children is by visiting the school and seeing how they are inside (Pascual).
Work Cited

Pascual, Psyche. “The truth about charter schools.” 19 October 2017. Web. November 15, 2017.

The creation of new culture in Harlem (Music, Poetry, and Arts)

In pursuing the economic change and freedom, the majority of the African Americans decided to use the railroad system to migrate from the South to the North. The railroad system played an important role in the great migration. This was due to the convenience of the rail road system routes.  For example according to The African American “Great Migration” and Beyond” the Illinois Central Railroad provided potential migrants in Louisiana and Mississippi with relatively direct access across Chicago. For those in Georgia and South Carolina, the existing rail and highway connections made it Philadelphia, New York, and Boston more-common. The migrants went to different destinations based on their needs, but most importantly they all went to places where they can integrate themselves and be accepted by society. As the migration was growing it has turn into a chain migration. The migrants were going to places that were well built in terms of “ethno genic” support. They were migrating to places where they have family members, friends, or a strong African American Communities. For instance the presence of the NAACP (National Association for The Advance Colored People) which was a civil right organization for that was fighting the cruelty African Americans were facing. They have their headquarters in Harlem and also the churches.

In New York City, the majority of African Americans lived in Harlem during the migration. Harlem was more like heaven, a place for self- discovery. In Harlem African were able to come up with unique discoveries ranging from arts, poetry, and music especially Jazz. This has produce an immense effect in the African American community and New York City in general. Looking at Harlem in particular, the migrants were able to showcase their artistic and musical talent which will become a revolution that flourished. As mentioned in the article Harlem Renaissance Caroline Jackson explains “what made this renaissance pivotal for Afro-Americans, most particularly artists and intellectuals, was the affirmation of the distinct cultural heritage and visibility of that culture’s manifestation. It’s surprising how they were able to create their own culture and produced a musical generic that ended up influencing the musical scene in the nation as a whole. These were not easy times, they were still struggling with injustice in New York but they use the struggle to express their feelings artistically and in music which then became history.

Works Cited
Jackson, Caroline. “Harlem Renaissance: Pivotal Period in The Development of Afro-American Culture” Yale New Heaven Teachers Institute. Web. 12 nov 2017
Tolnay, Stewart E. Annual Review of Sociology. California : Annual review, 2011. Print.

East Harlem Rezoning

Researching about gentrification in East Harlem I’ve learned lots of new plans that are underway to change the image and population of my neighborhood. Mayor Bill De Blasio calls it rezoning which seems like a nicer name for gentrification. He wants to build high rise luxury apartments and give a portion of the rooms to low income families. Although from his perspective it seems like he’s doing a noble act but what happens to the rest of the families who live in the neighborhood. Overall, what happens to the neighborhood. The most surprising fact I’ve read is in East Harlem, only 28 percent of families depend on NYCHA for residency. Myself living in East Harlem My whole life, I feel the percentage is much higher and most certainly if the family isn’t a tenant of NYCHA then they have an alternative program for high rent relief. If the rezoning takes place in East Harlem, There’s a big chance most rent prices will rise above the affordable point for tenants and people will be forced to leave. East Harlem is filled with rich heritage, We as people build East Harlem, so if we’re nonexistent in our neighborhood because of gentrification then will East Harlem be the same?


Gonzalez, Writer. “ How Development And Rezoning Efforts Will Shape East Harlem In 2017 And beyond” web 23 March, 2017

Thursday, November 16, 2017

My research paper is fascinating because it talks about of the Statue of Liberty as part of New York City history. Because of this, I have learned so many exciting information. However, one of the most surprising fact I have uncovered about my topic would be; Bartholdi’s wit and creativity as a sculptor. Which was impressive, so much that, it allowed him to combine the statue’s face with the countenance of his beautiful stern mother, and the stoicism of the Liberty Leading the People, which is a painting by Eugene Delacroix. Liberty Leading the People is a painting which represents liberty in the form of a voluptuousness woman (Handlin 24).

Work Cited

Handlin, Oscar, and Newsweek, Inc. Book Division. Statue of Liberty. New York: Newsweek, 1      971. Print. Wonders of Man.
One of my sources is from the Community Service Society where I’ve discovered that the issue with New Yorkers feeling like housing in New York is not affordable is due to the inequalities of the economy between the wealthy and low income families. Affordable housing, good jobs as well as a great education is catered most moderately to the rich. Low- income families have to struggle with low wages and not finding an affordable place to live due to this disparity. This affects New Yorkers causing them to feel stuck with a hold on minimum wage increase and a diminishing middle class society. Policies need to be modified and advance upward in order to benefit all.

Work Cited

Rankin, Nancy and Apurva Mahrotra. “Stuck: low- income New Yorkers don’t see themselves moving up and support policies to drive economic mobility.” June 2015. Copyright 2015 Community Service Society. Web. 14 Nov. 2017
Has outsourcing affected manufacturing in New York City?

I do see a gap in my essay so far. The gap that I see is that I am focusing more on the U.S. as a whole instead of New York city when it comes to outsourcing affecting manufacturing. I believe the reason why I am writing more about our country as a whole than just New York City is because there isn't that many articles that just focus on NYC. I did find this new source that touches on one of the biggest names in Wall Street "Goldman Sachs",  this big name is also outsourcing jobs. The CEO of Goldman Sachs James Gorman just cuts to the chase and tells is as it is "Too many employees based in high-cost centers are doing work that can sensibly be done in lower-cost centers, now is the time to tackle head-on our infrastructure costs." To me that basically tells us all that their profits are more important than us Americans. This was an interesting find to me. 

Work Cited
Crowe, Portia "Wall Street Jobs Are Leaving New York"  10th February 2016. web 9th November 2017

The Important Source

Karina Castillo

The Interesting Seneca Village

         In this new sources I discovered about Seneca Village. It was a small village before Central Park was Built.  Seneca existed from 1825 through 1857, then It was destroyed for the construction of the Big Central Park. It was located between 82nd and 89th street and seventh and eight avenue. The Village had three churches, two school and two cemetery. The New York City State Census found that 264 resident used to live there. After years later people that used to live there where told to leave the Village to clear the area for the construction of Central Park.

Work Cited

''The Lost Village In New York City'' May 6, 2014 Alioto, Daisy Web Nov 16, 2017

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Friday, November 10, 2017

Brief History of District School

In the 18 centuries official teaching was not completely obtainable (America). However, the primary American colonists were interested in the development of education (America). They used to teach the children to write and read at home and in church, but the colonists found out that it was inadequate (America). Therefore, they started creating the first publics schools in the early 1600s, and they found the Boston Latin School (America). During the America Revolutions, colonies, like Georgia were creating public grammar schooling (America). At the beginning, education in the U.S. was be very limited. Only boys could go to receive education, and it was centered in learning just learning grammar (America). Women were not allowed to study. However, wealthy women could have access to private education (America).
By the 19 centuries, the U.S. mentor Horace Mann learned by visiting other countries that students were placed in different classroom according to their age (America).  This was very significant for the development of public schooling. Students of different ages used to be in the same classroom (America). In 1848 Mann was the man who made possible “age grading” in Massachusetts, and it became a rule in the American education system (America). Also, he made possible the “standardization of public school curricula” in public school. This was very important because it ensured that every child have the change to obtain the “same high-quality education” from all district school (America). In 1852 attendance became a requirement in every school (America). “By 1920, 30% of all Americans between the ages of 14 and 17 had attended some form of high school” (America).
For a long period, public school struggled because of school violence, unprepared teacher and enough education materials (America). However, through the implementation of new programs and reforms the public school system became satisfactory. Today, public school means “a tuition-free education for all students, the promise of equal educational opportunities no matter race, religion or ability, a commitment to high standards and high expectations for all students, a system of governance that ensures public accountability, a benefit to society by teaching democratic principles and common values” (Resnick). Thanks to the development of public school every student has the change to study.    
Works Cited
“American Public Education: An Origin Story.” 16, 2013. Web. 10 November 2017.

Resnick, Michael A.An American imperative: Public education.” April 27, 2006. Web. 10 November 10, 2017.

Class Action Law Suits Against Stop and Frisk

        Throughout the history of the Stop and Frisk program, it has always been held up to a challenge by the law. There has been several class action law suits, and even a case brought before the Supreme Court. It has not just been a case of the people of New York, but something that stretches across the entire Nation. The Terry V. Ohio case was a pioneer and a big example of such cases. In 1968,when an off duty police officer in Ohio noticed three men on a street corner repeatedly walking up and down the same street, they would periodically stop and peer into a store window and then talk. The officer believed the men were casing the store for a potential robbery. The officer approached the men, questioned them and decided to frisk them, which produced a concealed weapon that the men were later convicted for. The United States Supreme Court made a decision that the fourth amendment is not violated when a police officer stops and frisks a suspect, without probable cause to arrest, and there is reasonable suspicion that the person may be armed and dangerous and can commit a crime. Even though the Supreme Court's decision deemed Stop and Question to be constitutional, it emphasized also on the frisk which clearly violates the privacy of thousands of innocent citizens.
       According to the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, " Stopping and frisking are two different things: An officer / agent cannot automatically frisk everyone lawfully 'stopped' under Terry. In addition to reasonable suspicion that criminal activity is afoot, the officer/ agent must also be able to articulate reasonable suspicion that the suspect is armed and dangerous. 'Officer safety' alone will not justify a frisk".This shows that officers can not just stop and frisk people on the street whenever they(the officers) feel like. They can question the person, but frisk only when the officer has a strong suspicion of possible crime cause.
        Also , a big class action law suit in New York was the Floyd et. al. V. City of New York, et. al., in which Federal Judge Scheindlin said, " I also conclude that the city's  highest officials have turned a blind eye to the evidence that officers are conducting frisks in a racially discriminatory manner' she wrote, citing statements that Mr. Bloomberg and the police commissioner, Raymond W. Kelly, have made in defending the policy", Goldstein writes for the New York Times. Statistics and records clearly showed the racial malpractices of the program which influenced the judge's decision of ordering the City for a reform.
        Lastly, the people and civil societies all stood up to challenge the racial discrimination in the Stop and Frisk program, and called for reforms. The bad execution of the program which violated the privacies of thousands of innocent New Yorkers was realized and spoken against by then social activist, Bill De Blasio before he even became a mayor, hence all the great reforms and a significant stop and frisk drop rate under his administration.
Works Cited.
Argiriou, Steven L., Terry Frisk Update. "The Law Field Examples and Analysis"., N.D. Web. 21 October 2017.
Goldstein, Joseph, "Judge Rejects New York's Stop and Frisk Policy". 12 August 2013. Web. 21 October 2017.

Hard to Escape Homelessness

In New York City, the homeless population is on a tough journey to get out of poverty and the situation continues to get worse as time goes by.  It's projected that today, the homeless population increase around 60,000 but only those that were counted are living in shelters.  Those that did not stay in shelters become drifters, staying “from one friend or family member’s couch to the next, or sleeping throughout the city under awnings, in parks, on subways, on stoops” (Gibson).  In fact, most of these drifters refuse to go to shelters because of violence and insanitation conditions within them.

 This epidemic continues to grow for several reasons: increase rent and low wages.  “Between 2000 and 2014, the median New York City rent increased 19 percent while household income decreased by 6.3 percent” (Gibson).  For poor working families that were around the time period, they most likely are to become homeless today.  Another factor for the homeless percent growth was the city policies that was changed and propose temporary aid to help those in shelters.  Advocates for the homeless blame the increase in part on the Bloomberg administration’s decision to end the practice of giving homeless families priority for subsidized public housing and Section 8, a federally funded voucher program that provides permanent rental assistance” (Gibson).  They believed the program was not effective enough to place people into the housing from shelters fast enough but only put those with vouchers at the top of the waiting list.  After many fail attempts from the Bloomberg administration, those families with vouchers not only continue to wait for permanent housing, additionally, new homeless families join in line for aid in which causing the dramatic increase.
Work Cited
Gibson, D. W. "Why It's So Hard to Stop Being Homeless in New York." Daily Intelligencer. New York Media, LLC, 22 Mar. 2017. Web. 27 Oct. 2017.                                                  

Immigration statistics

  In a research article, which was written by Steven A. Camarota and Jessica Vaughan (2009), they compare the government data they found with the academic one. Both sources of information contradict themselves, and the contributing factor is the fact that illegal immigrants are usually unidentifiable, due to not having their papers. That alone will never solidify an accurate statistic. This research article is different than the first one I discussed because these authors are explaining the opposing point of view than the one given by Alex Nowrasteh. 

Work cited:  Camarota S. And  Vaughan, J."Immigration and Crime,
Assessing a Conflicted Issue" . Center for Immigration Studies (November 18, 2009).

Poverty in Child Delinquency

Poverty plays a huge role in the aspect of juvenile delinquency. Usually, where you’re from, tends to show what kind of person you are and basically shapes you out for the future. I’m not saying that because you’re born in a poor neighborhood, you’ll stay poor. Many people fight to get out of poverty and to better themselves, but there are still those citizens that remain unprogressive. Those who don’t fight to get out of their poor living situations and the poverty they’re in, usually stay in those bad circumstances. In an article discussing the economic factors that link Juveniles to Crime, E. Burgess stated, Official records of delinquency including arrest, appearance in Juvenile Court, probation, commitment to institutions and later parole and recidivism characterize many children from low income families. These are seldom experienced by children from well-to-do homes. The proverbial black sheep of good family is an exception and sooner or later generally obtains a delinquency record.” (Pg. 29-30). Statistically speaking most residents in low-income areas that commit crimes, are usually targeted, and their living situations condemn them as it is used as the reasoning behind the crimes committed.

Work Cited

Burgess,W.  "Economic Factor in Juvenile Delinquency".  Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology. Volume 43. (1952-1953) 10/24/2017