According to the article “Multitasking Can Make You Lose…Um…
Focus” by Alina Tugend, multitasking which is focusing on different tasks at
the same time is a poor approach to effectiveness and productivity. In fact, we
lose time moving back and forth from one task to another. She explains how studies have proved that it
also depends on how we do it. For example,
listening to music while working may help us to get our job fast, however,
talking on the phone and typing an E-mail simultaneously sounds more difficult to
get done and this is because we’re using the same cognitive functions, in other
words the same part of the brain. We cannot focus like that. She says how everything
is understandable due to the technology. In the past there was not smartphones,
or computers, but now we’re required to get more things done in less amount of
time and this is what researchers like her are trying to figure out; how our
brain are being affected due to the overload. But for the meanwhile she advises
us to try to recreate boundaries. In the article, Dr. Hallowed says that
despite our belief that we cannot control how much we’re overloaded, we can. We
should be able sleep enough, exercise, eat healthy, turn off devices in its
necessary and also learn the art of single-tasking.
work cited
Tugend, Alina. “Multitasking Can Make You Lose ... Um ... Focus. New York Times”. Oct.
Web. Sept. 8, 2017
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