Friday, September 8, 2017

Subway,my life

I have used many subway systems around the world but only the one in New York saves lives. When i first ride in New York City in 2008, I noticed a lot of differences compare to other countries. In New York,people use train for differents reason. For some just to travel but for others to find their way out.

  There are few things more iconically New York City's omnipresent showtime kids,troupes of dancer who take over entire subway cars to look for more spaces for moves.The ritual is always the same,they will yell out,hit play on a tinny portable speaker and then start performing in exchange for occasional cash donation that can help them to survive. It's a tradition but in recent years,showtime has became targeted by NYPD,which charges that subway dancing as a crime.

  After investigation, more of those young dancers are not doing it for their choice but to survive that's why some of them tell their personal histories and what makes showtime so important to them. For Tyty and Kahlil, a pair brothers,showtime helps deal with father's absence.

  Subway dancers are not only looking for money,they are also heroes. A man pushed onto the New York subway tracks has a dancer to thank for his life.He was on the platform of 72 street Broadway when they saw a man falling onto the tracks and looked for help. " At first i waited for somebody else to jump down there ,but nobody jumped down. So i jumped down ". "I gotta do it because subway is my life " He said.

  Also every season, specially winter time, sleeping on the train is more common. Not only people who have mental health issues but homeless using it as shelter. For John who lost his job and house in 2007 crisis,subway is a good house and it saves lives.

 New York subway helps people in different ways.If it's a good rider for some people,it saves lives for others.
   Work cited:
Kameir,Rawinya "Reminder That NYC's showtime kids Are Real Human ", June 03,2016.

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