Thursday, September 21, 2017

The Interesting Art

Name: Karina Castillo
Date: 09/20/2017

The Metropolitan Museum 

 I went to visit the Metropolitan Museum. One of the art that took my attention was Stela of Mentuwoser by Clare Gibson. I choose this artwork because I really like it. This artwork is from the Middle Kingdom Period, since 1944 B.C. This is located in the East Wall at Metropolitan Museum (Gallery102). This art work is attached to the wall. It is limestone, paint. This art is big with a dimension of H. 104.3 cm; we can observe clearly the picture. Also has a nice pattern around the sides. This art is a realistic presentation of a man. We can see that it is made of rectangle stone, giving honors an official named Mentuwose. He is sitting on a chair, in this image we can see that he is holding a piece of folded linen in his hand. In front of him has a table with food that indicated that he has abundance in food for him and his family. Foods like bread, the head of an animal, onion in a basket and others. As we can see in the picture he looks like a powerful man who has the control over others. The museum scripture says that he was steward and accountant in Senworret. Also he was administrator and supervisor of all kinds of animals. He was known as a good man. On his right is located his son and daughter, his daughter is sitting on the floor and she is holding something in her hands. Above the children we can see the picture of his father. This means that they are offering together formula in three lines. On top we can see symbols and writing closely tied and linked to spiritual belief for the Egyptians. The figure looks good with a bright color that attracts the attention of people, it has textures is not plain. I couldn’t understand what it says, because it is written in the language of the Egyptians. The colors are striking. I saw that the chair is yellow and the letters, the color of the people were brown. Also the picture has a big part with the color cream. The clothes that they used are as skirts. 

 Something that I can say is that this type of work is similar to others that I had seen in the Museum before. I relate this artwork with the art Ti Watching a Hippopotamus that I saw before because they are similar like in the color and the cloths. Both are ancient Egypt painted in limestone relief. In both the main figure is the man. Both arts show the hardworking of the man. They were not created at the same era, but I saw that in both were focusing on farming, animals, families, death and god. They believe in the world of the living and dead spirit, their afterlife. Many of the beautiful images come from ancient Egypt, painted murals.

             Image result for stela of mentuwoser                   Related image

This artwork affect me in a positive way, because it helps to express who we are deep down. A lot of people have trouble expressing themselves, but those that are expose to art and culture from early age, and who are influenced, encouraged and inspired to create art on their own, often find that they're better able to express themselves. No matter how different they may be from those around them. With these artwork I have learned more about the world, both in terms on how it was and how it is today, as well as how it can be.

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